A letter to my inner self.

Arun Coumar
3 min readAug 26, 2020

You have turned 23 finally. I’d like to say a few words which you never expressed. So listen up, I’ve got some important things to tell you.

1. Treat yourself

It is fine to crave for Pepper Barbeque Chicken Pizza and Mississippi Mud Milkshake. We both know you have put on extra weight since the lockdown started. But it doesn’t matter unless you stop loving them.

2. Complete what you have started

Complete that novel which you started a year ago. Though the concept sucks, it will be close to your heart as always. If you do so, you’ll be able to hold it in your hands, Feel the weight of each chapter, each page, each word that you have so lovingly crafted. So keep writing. Your story is just waiting for you to bring it into existence.

Publish that blog about Trivandrum which is in the draft for almost a year. Don’t compare your first draft with someone’s 100th. It may not be perfect, but it is worth a try.

3. The “perfect time” will never come

The notebook which you bought from Souled Store for 250 bucks is still waiting out there for your first journal. I know writing a journal doesn’t make sense now. But trust me when you read it after a few years, the nostalgic feel is beyond comparison.

Buy a book monthly which you always wanted to. It doesn’t matter if you read it or not. Unless you waste the money in useless things, it is fine. I’m pretty sure that one day you will make time to read it.

4. Self-confidence

Life is like driving a car. If you’re not confident in what you’re doing, accidents can happen. When you’re uncertain, you become a threat to yourself and to those on the road. Check both the mirrors and then make a decision. Either change the lane or stay. Don’t hesitate or else you’re going to miss your exit.

Don’t be afraid. A life worth living is a life worth dying for. Go out more, jump, fall, explore the world, get injured, bleed. There is nothing wrong with scars and tears.

5. Don’t care about what people think

I know there are things which people don’t know about, but they will judge you no matter what. You’ve got to look back at your past, not with regret but with pride in your eyes.

Ask yourself, Do you want to be nice or do you want to be happy. If your answer is happy then you should say NO to a lot of things whenever you wanted to.

6. Purpose of existence

When you were 13 years old, you wanted to become a Scientist. When you were 15 years old, you wanted to become a Civil Servant. When you were 17 years old, you wanted to become a Doctor. But you ended up in an engineering college. When you were 21 years old, you wanted to become a software engineer and you eventually became. And there you are now, thinking of what is your purpose of existence. So start working on what really makes your life meaningful.

7. Discover yourself

I know this may sound crazy but there is no better feeling than to go on a trip by yourself. It will be a lifetime experience.

Do something that you are scared to do. Whether it’s bungee jumping or watching a horror movie alone in a theatre, you always end up liking it.

8. Save some money

You might not feel the importance now. But the future YOU will thank you for doing this.

And finally… BTW Belated Happy 23rd Birthday ☺



Arun Coumar

Optimistic Nihilist| But how could you live and have no story to tell?